I have to go to my father’s hometown and do self-imposed quarantine on my return. On self-reflection, I realized how each of us in the community have depended on each other. I left instructions what to do and to continue what we were doing. On that same self-imposed quarantine, I have read emails and not just browsing over them. Many have offered to help our community and the projects that I have been doing for years, but most of them have ulterior motives and I was late realizing some of them.
I am grateful for whatever is given to us. There are indeed genuine people who would help others because they see the good in what we have. Shout out to #BREADTOP BAKESHOP for our nourishing meal for today, my ever dearest dependable spiritual warrior, Anne Kahil and her dad for ensuring I will have gasoline allowance and food to share.
My other friends would pitch in as well. It is up to me to ensure that all the children under my care will be given equal share.
Having the luxury of cleaning after my digital clutter, I have now a renewed passion to push for sustainable projects and to be wary of “good people”.
That saying, I am grateful for the “real person” who have continued to see the best in us. Thank you and May you continue to support and empower us.