Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Influence of One


RESPECT is not about RELIGION, WEALTH OR FAME. It is when you can decide to live with each other and be joyful for each day that you get to share it with another human being. I always have 2 sessions to accommodate my Baptist (Sunday Bible study) and my Adventist (Saturday Bible study) students. They would always asked if I am mad or at least annoyed that I get to do the same class twice. I tell them I do not think of why but rather I dwell on the change of the good that it can bring to all of us. I don’t teach religion but how to be a HUMAN BEING. I influenced them to ask and be critical. In my class I am open to questions that are not entertained at their home or church. I offer them sanctuary for their thoughts without prejudice or judgment. We plan, we clean, we share meals no matter how simple it would be for what matters is US.

Being grateful because we are together cleaning our room

enjoying the Christmas themed candies given by a sponsor

Always start them early, each with responsibility

our humble breakfast